EDATE Formula


Starting off, let’s look at the EDATE Excel formula. In essence, EDATE helps you calculate the date that is a specific number of months before or after a certain date.


The primary reason for using the EDATE formula is when you want to determine a future or past date after a particular number of months.


Here’s how the syntax of the EDATE formula looks:

=EDATE(start_date, months)


The EDATE formula takes two parameters:

  1. Start_date: The date from which you want to calculate the future or past date.
  2. Months: The number of months before or after the start_date.


The EDATE formula will give you a date that is a specified number of months before or after a given date.

Usage notes

Bear in mind that the EDATE formula is especially helpful when you’re performing calculations involving date changes. For instance, in loan repayments or investment maturity dates.


You can use the EDATE formula in all versions of Excel.

Example #1

Suppose you want to find out the date six months after January 1, 2023. You could use the EDATE formula like this:

=EDATE("2023-01-01", 6)

This formula will return the date six months after January 1, 2023.

Example #2

Assume you have a start date in cell A2 and you want to determine the date 3 months before. Here’s the EDATE formula you would use:

=EDATE(A2, -3)

This formula will return the date three months before the date in cell A2.

Example #3

In this example, let’s calculate the date exactly one year after today’s date:


This formula will return the date one year after today’s date.

Example #4

For our fourth example, let’s calculate the date two years before a specific date:

=EDATE("2023-12-31", -24)

This formula will return the date two years before December 31, 2023.

Example #5

In our final example, let’s determine the date six months before the same date in two different years:

=EDATE("2023-01-01", -6)

This formula will return the date six months before January 1, 2023.

Tips and tricks

A handy tip when using the EDATE formula is to remember that you can use negative numbers for the ‘months’ parameter to find a date in the past.


The EDATE formula’s main limitation is that it only calculates by months. To calculate by days or years, consider using other date functions.

Common errors and solutions

A typical error when using the EDATE formula is entering non-date values for the start_date parameter. This will yield a #VALUE! error. So, ensure that the input values are valid dates.

Best Practices

Best practice when using the EDATE formula is to always verify the input dates and the number of months. This will ensure the accuracy of your results.

List of Related functions

EDATE is one of many date and time functions in Excel. Other related functions include DATE, DATEVALUE, DAY, DAYS, and DAYS360.

Frequently Used with the formulas

EDATE often pairs with other formulas like TODAY, YEAR, MONTH, and DAY for more advanced date calculations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I use the EDATE formula to calculate the difference in days or years?

No, EDATE only calculates based on months. To calculate by days or years, consider using other date functions.

Q. What happens if the start_date is invalid?

An invalid start_date will return a #VALUE! error. Ensure that the start_date is a valid date.

Q. Can I use a negative number for the ‘months’ parameter?

Yes, you can use a negative number to find a date in the past.

Enhance your Excel skills by mastering the EDATE formula. It’s an essential tool for date calculations.

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