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SEO Content Performance KPI Dashboard in Excel

In today’s digital marketing landscape, the success of SEO strategies and content performance relies on data and metrics. An SEO Content Performance KPI Dashboard provides a clear view of how well content performs across various SEO channels. This article will explore the key features and benefits of using an SEO Content Performance KPI Dashboard, list the essential KPIs, and guide you through the process of effectively implementing such a dashboard for your content strategies.

Key Features of the SEO Content Performance KPI Dashboard

This ready-to-use template for SEO Content Performance KPI Dashboard includes seven worksheets designed to simplify and enhance tracking:


1. Home Sheet

The Home Sheet acts as an index, with six buttons that allow you to jump to the respective sheet. It provides a bird’s-eye view of all the content-related KPIs.


2. Dashboard Sheet Tab

The Dashboard Sheet Tab is the heart of the SEO Content Performance KPI Dashboard. Here, you can see the MTD (Month-To-Date) Actual, Target, Previous Year Data, and more. Key features include:

  • KPI comparisons: Target vs Actual and Previous Year vs Actual, with conditional formatting to highlight differences using up/down arrows.
  • Month selection: The dropdown allows you to select any month, which automatically updates the entire dashboard for that month.
  • YTD Comparison: In addition to MTD, you can also track Year-To-Date (YTD) performance.

3. KPI Trend Sheet Tab

The KPI Trend Sheet helps in selecting KPIs and visualizing their trends. Here, you can:

  • View the KPI Group, Unit, Type, Formula, and Definition of each KPI.
  • Understand whether “Lower is Better” or “Upper is Better” for each metric.

4. Actual Numbers Sheet Tab

This is where you input the actual numbers for each KPI for both YTD and MTD. By selecting the first month of the year, you can update data for the entire year accordingly.

5. Target Sheet Tab

In this sheet, you enter the target values for each KPI, both for the MTD and YTD. These targets are used to compare against actual numbers.

6. Previous Year Numbers Sheet Tab

Here, you input the same data as for the current year, but for the previous year. This allows you to compare your current performance against the past.

7. KPI Definition Sheet Tab

The KPI Definition sheet is a reference point where you can enter and view the full details of each KPI, including its name, group, unit, formula, and definition.

Read the detailed blog post

Meet PK, the founder of PK-AnExcelExpert.com! With over 15 years of experience in Data Visualization, Excel Automation, and dashboard creation. PK is a Microsoft Certified Professional who has a passion for all things in Excel. PK loves to explore new and innovative ways to use Excel and is always eager to share his knowledge with others. With an eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, PK has become a go-to expert in the world of Excel. Whether you're looking to create stunning visualizations or streamline your workflow with automation, PK has the skills and expertise to help you succeed. Join the many satisfied clients who have benefited from PK's services and see how he can take your Excel skills to the next level!