Absenteeism is very useful for any process. In this absenteeism report template there are 6 worksheets available
Index worksheet is used to navigate the other worksheet-like summary, month wise, date wise and supervisor wise.

In this worksheet a chart of month on month comparison for planned% Vs Unplanned% is available. Overall NCNS (No call No show) count , Planned % and Unplanned% have been displayed in the circles above.
For filtering the data Month, Date, Supervisor Name, Quarter, and Week slicers have been displayed.

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Month Wise:
In this worksheet a month wise pivot table has been displayed for P (Present count), NCNS (No Call No Show) count, A (Absent Count), L (Leave count), Scheduled count, Unplanned% and Planned %.
Traffic lights conditional formatting has been used for unplanned% and planned %. Target for unplanned is 12% and for planned is 15%.

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Week Wise:
This is the same worksheet as month wise, only difference is in place of month here Week has been taken.

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Supervisor Wise:
This is the same worksheet as month wise, only difference is in place of month here Supervisor Name has been taken.

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Raw Data:
In this worksheet raw data of this report is available. Fields with the gray header to entered manually and for the green header it is formulated.

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