Chapter-11: Use a formula in Conditional formatting

Use a formula to determine which cells to format” rule is used to apply the formatting on the excel cell as our desired condition or a condition which is not available in Excel Conditional Formatting. We have to put a logical formula in the formula box. if this formula returns True then formatting will be applied.

Highlight cells by using formula:

Let’s say we need to highlight the Even number only. Below are the steps-

  • Select the range on which you want to apply the conditional formatting
  • As in below image select “B2:G9”
Data sets to apply the conditional formatting
Data sets to apply the conditional formatting
  • Go to Home tab>>Conditional Formatting>>New Rules
New Rules Option in conditional Formatting
New Rules Option
  • New formatting rule window will be opened.
  • Select the “Use a formula to determine which cells to format
  • Put formula “=Iseven(b2)” in the box.
  • We have taken B2 because it is active cell
Highlight even number
Highlight even number
  • Click on OK button to apply this conditional formatting.
  • Data set with this conditional formatting will look like below image.
Even Number highlighted
Even Number highlighted

Highlight Column by using formula:

we can highlight the column in the selected range by using the formula.

For example, we need to highlight the column which have “Location-3” in the header.

  • Select the entire range including headers
  • Put the formula =A$1=”Location-3″
  • To highlight the column, we have put $ sign before the raw number. That is why we have taken A$1 in the formula.
  • Give the format whatever you want to apply in the excel cells.
Highlight the column
Highlight the column
  • Click on OK button to apply this conditional formatting.
  • Data set with this conditional formatting will look like below image.
Location-3 Column highlighted
Location-3 Column highlighted

Highlight Row by using formula:

we can highlight the row in the selected range by using the formula.

For example, we need to highlight the row for “Friday

  • Select the entire range.
  • Put the formula =$A1=”Friday”
  • To highlight the row, we have put $ sign before the column (before A). That is why we have taken $A1 in the formula.
  • Give the format whatever you want to apply in the excel cells.
Highlight the row
Highlight the row
  • Click on OK button to apply this conditional formatting.
  • Data set with this conditional formatting will look like below image.
Row highlighted for Friday
Row highlighted for Friday


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