This template has been designed for consolidating the data from multiple excel file into a single file. This is very time saving template and can make your work very easy.
There are two worksheet available in template file, one is “Logs” and second is “Consolidated_Data“.
Data Consolidation from multiple files in Excel
Logs worksheet:
In this worksheet on Column A you will see the File Names from which you have consolidated the data and on column B number of records which have been copied from that file.
There are 2 buttons available in this worksheet-
- Clear sheet: This button is used to clear the data from the Logs sheet as well as Consolidated_Data sheet.
- Consolidate Data: This button is used to start the consolidation. When you will click on this button it will ask you to select the files from which you want to consolidate the data.

Consolidated_Data worksheet:
In this worksheet will get your consolidated data output.

Note: This template has been designed for consolidating the similar type of data from multiple files.
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Watch the video tutorial how to create Data consolidation Macro in Excel
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