The Blockchain & Cryptocurrency KPI Dashboard in Excel is a powerful and ready-to-use template designed to simplify the tracking and analysis of critical KPIs in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. This tool is perfect for professionals seeking to monitor transaction volumes, market trends, and performance metrics, all in one dynamic and user-friendly interface Blockchain & Cryptocurrency.
Key Features
Home Sheet:
- Acts as an index with six quick navigation buttons to access specific sections effortlessly.
Dashboard Sheet:
- Displays MTD (Month-to-Date) and YTD (Year-to-Date) data for actuals, targets, and previous year comparisons.
- Includes conditional formatting with up/down arrows to highlight trends.
- Features a dropdown menu to filter data by month dynamically.
KPI Trend Sheet:
- Provides detailed metadata such as KPI Group, Unit, Type, Formula, and Definition.
- Includes trend charts for MTD and YTD actuals, targets, and previous year metrics.
Actual Numbers Input Sheet:
- Allows easy input of MTD and YTD actuals for any given month.
- Configurable starting month for better customization.
Target Sheet:
- Facilitates input of target numbers for each KPI on both MTD and YTD levels.
Previous Year Number Sheet:
- Stores historical data for seamless comparison with current year metrics.
KPI Definition Sheet:
- Serves as a comprehensive reference for KPI names, groups, units, formulas, and definitions.
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