The Broadcasting KPI Dashboard in Excel is a comprehensive, ready-to-use template designed for broadcasting professionals to track and analyze key performance indicators efficiently. This dashboard provides an intuitive, data-driven interface that centralizes essential metrics for monthly and yearly performance, enabling data visualization and trend analysis with ease.
Key Features:
Home Sheet:
![Home Sheet](
A user-friendly index page with quick navigation buttons to seamlessly access each dashboard section.
Dashboard Sheet Tab:
![Broadcasting KPI Dashboard in Excel](
The main view showcasing all KPI data, including Month-to-Date (MTD) and Year-to-Date (YTD) figures. This sheet features interactive drop-downs to switch months and conditional formatting for easy target vs. actual comparisons with visual indicators.
KPI Trend Sheet Tab:
![KPI Trend Sheet](
Analyze individual KPI trends with detailed insights, such as KPI type, formula, and unit. Interactive trend charts display monthly and yearly progress for each KPI.
Actual Numbers Input Sheet:
![Actual Numbers Input Sheet](
Easily enter and update MTD and YTD actual numbers with a configurable first month setting for seamless month selection.
Target Sheet Tab:
![Target Sheet](
Set monthly and yearly targets for each KPI, allowing for clear performance benchmarks across the dashboard.
Previous Year Numbers Sheet Tab:
![Previous Year Numbers Sheet](
Record prior year data to enable year-over-year (YoY) analysis for each KPI.
KPI Definition Sheet Tab:
![KPI Definition Sheet](
Define each KPI’s attributes, including name, group, unit, formula, and description, to ensure consistent and clear performance tracking.
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