Maximize your food packaging operations with our comprehensive “Food Packaging KPI Dashboard in Excel”. This ready-to-use template is specifically designed to streamline the tracking and analysis of crucial KPIs, enhancing your operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities Food Packaging KPI Dashboard.
Key Features:
Home Sheet:

- Acts as the central hub with quick navigation buttons leading to various dashboard components, enhancing user experience and accessibility.
Dashboard Sheet Tab:

- Displays comprehensive data for selected months, including MTD and YTD actuals, targets, and previous year comparisons. Features dynamic conditional formatting for intuitive performance visualization.
KPI Trend Sheet Tab:

- Offers a dropdown to select KPIs, displaying detailed metrics including group, unit, and performance type, complemented by trend charts for a visual representation of performance over time.
Actual Numbers Input Sheet:

- Provides fields to input actual figures for monthly and year-to-date performance, facilitating accurate tracking and analysis.
Target Sheet Tab:

- Allows entry of target performance metrics for each KPI, setting benchmarks for MTD and YTD evaluations.
Previous Year Number Sheet Tab:

- Enables input of last year’s data for a comparative year-over-year performance analysis.
KPI Definition Sheet Tab:

- A dedicated space to define each KPI with its respective formula, unit, and detailed description, ensuring clarity and consistency in performance assessments.