Home>Download>Fully dynamic chart in Excel with Scroll bar and Spin button
Dynamic Chart with Form Controls

Fully dynamic chart in Excel with Scroll bar and Spin button

Fully Dynamic Chart in Excel with Scroll Bar and Spin Button

Certainly! Let’s delve into the fascinating world of creating a Fully Dynamic Chart in Excel with the magical combination of a Scroll Bar and a Spin Button. Buckle up, because we’re about to embark on an Excel adventure that will elevate your data visualization game!

Key Features:

  1. Dynamic Ranges:
    • Our chart harnesses dynamic ranges that automatically update as you interact with the scroll bar and spin button. Say goodbye to static charts and hello to real-time data magic!
  2. Scroll Bar Control:
    • The scroll bar becomes your trusty navigation tool. Effortlessly glide through your data, revealing rolling employee performance metrics in the sales chart. No more overwhelming charts—just the right amount of information at your fingertips.
  3. Spin Button Functionality:
    • Need to add new employees? The spin button has your back! It dynamically expands your dataset, allowing you to seamlessly include up to a maximum of twenty employees in the chart. Click away without manual adjustments—simplicity at its finest.
  4. Indirect Formula Utilization:
    • We’ve sprinkled some Excel magic by using the Indirect formula. As you interact with the controls, all chart references update in real-time. Data integrity? Check. Seamless user experience? Double-check.


  1. Enhanced Data Visualization:
    • Dive deep into specific employee performance metrics and sales data without the clutter. Dynamic interaction keeps your focus sharp.
  2. Ease of Use:
    • Designed for everyone, even those with minimal Excel experience. Intuitive controls make navigation and manipulation a breeze.
  3. Time-Saving:
    • Say goodbye to manual data entry and tedious chart adjustments. Our tool automates the process, giving you more time to sip your virtual coffee.
  4. Scalability:
    • Whether you’re a small team or dealing with a massive dataset, our dynamic chart adapts. Up to twenty employees? No problem!

How It Works:

  1. Set Up:
    • Open your Excel file and acquaint yourself with the scroll bar and spin button controls snuggled next to the chart. They’re your trusty companions.
  2. Scroll Through Data:
    • Grab that scroll bar and glide through the employee sales data. Watch the chart dance dynamically, revealing the selected range of employees. Fancy, right?
  3. Add New Employees:
    • Feeling adventurous? Click that spin button! Each click adds a new employee to the chart. The chart adjusts automatically, accommodating up to twenty employees. No manual fuss.
  4. Real-Time Updates:
    • As you play with the controls, the Indirect formula works its magic. Chart references stay current, giving you an accurate snapshot of your data. It’s like having a data genie at your service.
Meet PK, the founder of PK-AnExcelExpert.com! With over 15 years of experience in Data Visualization, Excel Automation, and dashboard creation. PK is a Microsoft Certified Professional who has a passion for all things in Excel. PK loves to explore new and innovative ways to use Excel and is always eager to share his knowledge with others. With an eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, PK has become a go-to expert in the world of Excel. Whether you're looking to create stunning visualizations or streamline your workflow with automation, PK has the skills and expertise to help you succeed. Join the many satisfied clients who have benefited from PK's services and see how he can take your Excel skills to the next level!