Managing employee performance is crucial for any organization aiming to hit its targets and stay ahead of the competition. Fortunately, an Employee Performance Management System (EPMS) in Excel can make this task smoother, offering a budget-friendly and customizable solution. Let’s dive into its features, benefits, best practices, and areas where it can be improved.
Key Features of the Employee Performance Management System
Below are the key features of the Employee Performance Management System-
Login Form
![Login Form](
First things first, the Employee Performance Management System comes with a login form to ensure that only authorized users can access the system. Users will need to enter their username and password. For first time login, you can use our default user Id as “Admin1” and password as “abcd”.
Landing Page:
Once you logged in successfully in the Employee Performance Management System, main form will be opened as given below.
![Employee Task Management System V1.0](
Maximize and Minimize button:
![Maximize and Minimize button](
This button is available on the top left corner of the form. You can use it to maximize and minimize the form.
User Id and Role:
In the main form after Maximize and Minimize button, we are showing the Logged in user name and the role of the use.
![User Id and Role](
Top Right corner buttons:
On the top right corner, we have given 5 buttons:
![Top Right corner buttons](
User Management
Admin can add, modify or delete a user using the User Management feature. You can access this feature from the User Management button available on the top right corner of main page.
Below is the screen shot of User Management form
![User Management](
Manage List
The “Manage List” feature is very useful for maintaining various essential lists. Click on the “Manage List” button available on the top right corner of main form.
You can add or delete any list item for any list using this form. Below is the snapshot of Manage list form-
![Manage List](
Log Out button
Using this button, you can log out from the tool and data will be saved in the Excel file.
Email Us
This button will show our email id which is [email protected]. You can write an email to any query or modification required in the Tool.
Get More Tools
You can open our website using this button to see a lot of Excel based Tools, Trackers, Dashboard or charts etc.
Stats Section:
![Stats Section](
In this section, we have displayed 5 cards as given below:
- Pending: Count of Pending Task.
- In Progress: Count of in progress task.
- Completed: Count of completed Task.
- Overdue: Count of task wherein Completed date is after the due date for due date is passed and task is pending or in progress.
- Average Performance Score: Average of performance score given by the supervisor for each task. Default score will be 100 for each task.
Filter Section:
![Filter Section](
In this section we have given below things:
- All Period check box: You can select this check box, if you want to see the whole data irrespective of dates.
- Start Date: Use this calendar to select the start date. By default, Start will be today – 7.
- End Date: Use this calendar to select the End date. By default, End will be today.
- Filter Field and Text: Here, you can select the filter filed form drop-down list and enter the search keyword in the filter keyword box. Click on refresh button to apply these filters.
Sort by Section:
![Sort by Section:](
Select the filed from the drop-down and click on Ascending or Descending button to sort the data.
Main Action button:
We have below given main action buttons
![Main Action button:](
Add New Task button:
To add a new task, click on the Add New Task button. It will open a new window to Add a new task.
You can enter all the details and click on submit button. Snapshot of Add New task window is given below:
![Add New Task button](
Update Existing Task button:
To update an existing task, click on the Update Existing Task button. It will open task window with prefilled information.
You can change information and click on submit button.
Delete Task button:
To delete a task, simply select it and press the delete button.
Export to Excel button:
Using this button, you can Export the data into new Excel sheet. You can further use this data for reporting or dashboarding purpose.
Update Score button:
Only Admin role, will have the access of this button. You can select any task and click on this button to update the Performance Score for that task. After click on this button below given window will be opened.
![Update Score button](
Email Task to users:
You can click on this button to email the task to the user. It will send the emails using your MS outlook. Keep your outlook opened to use this.
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