MATCH formula searches for a value in an array and returns the relative position of that item.
Syntax for Match formula
MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type] )
Parameters Details:
- lookup_value : The value to search for in the array
- lookup_array: range of cells that contains the value that you are searching for.
- match_type : Optional. It the type of match that the function will perform.
The possible values for match_type are below:
- 1 (default) : The MATCH function will find the largest value that is less than or equal to value. You should be sure to sort your array in ascending order. If the match_type parameter is omitted, it assumes a match_type of 1.
- 0 : The MATCH function will find the first value that is equal to value. The array can be sorted in any order.
- -1 : The MATCH function will find the smallest value that is greater than or equal to value. You should be sure to sort your array in descending order.
The MATCH function returns a numeric value.
If the MATCH function does not find a match, it will return a #N/A error.