OFFSET Formula

OFFSET formula returns a reference to a range that is offset several rows and columns from another range or cell.

Syntax of OFFSET formula

OFFSET (reference, rows, cols, [height], [width])

Parameters Details:

    • reference: The starting range from which the offset will be applied.
    • rows: The number of rows to apply as the offset to the range. This can be a positive or negative number.
    • cols: The number of columns to apply as the offset to the range. This can be a positive or negative number.
    • height: Optional. It is the number of rows that you want the returned range to be. If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed to be the height of range.
    • width: Optional. It is the number of columns that you want the returned range to be. If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed to be the width of range. 


The OFFSET function returns a reference.

OFFSET Formula Example
OFFSET Formula Example