OR Formula


The OR formula in Excel is a logical function. This formula is used when you want to test whether any of multiple conditions are true.


The purpose of the OR Formula in Excel is to verify if any of the provided conditions are met. It returns TRUE if any one or more conditions are true and FALSE only if all conditions are false.


The syntax of the OR formula is as follows:

=OR(logical1, [logical2], ...)


The OR formula takes the following parameters:

  • logical1: This is the first condition you want to test.
  • logical2, ...: These are additional conditions you want to test, up to 254 conditions.


The OR formula returns TRUE if any condition is met and FALSE if all conditions are not met.

Usage Notes

The OR Formula in Excel is particularly useful when you want to make a decision based on multiple conditions. It can be used in conjunction with other formulas for more complex logic.


The OR Formula in Excel is available in all versions of Excel, making it a universally useful tool for spreadsheet calculation and data analysis.

Example #1

Let’s start with a simple example. If you want to test whether the values in cells A1 or A2 are greater than zero, you would use:

=OR(A1>0, A2>0)

Example #2

To illustrate another use, suppose you want to check if a student has passed either Maths or Science. If the pass mark is 40, and the scores are in cells B1 and B2, your formula would be:

=OR(B1>=40, B2>=40)

Example #3

You can also use the OR formula with the IF formula. Suppose we have a system where students pass if they get above 70 in either English or Math. The marks for English and Math are in cells C1 and C2 respectively. Then the formula would be:

=IF(OR(C1>70, C2>70), "Pass", "Fail")

Example #4

The OR formula isn’t just for numbers. It can also work with text. Suppose you want to check if the word “Excel” is in either cell D1 or D2. Then you would use:

=OR(D1="Excel", D2="Excel")

Example #5

Lastly, you can use the OR formula with the NOT and ISBLANK formulas. Suppose you want to check if either cell E1 or E2 is not empty. You would use:


Tips and Tricks

The OR formula can handle up to 255 logical tests. But be mindful of the processing power required for large numbers of conditions.


The OR Formula in Excel evaluates all conditions, even if one of the conditions already returned TRUE.

Common Errors and Solutions

A common error is the #VALUE! error, which occurs when a non-logical argument is given to the OR formula. Ensure that all arguments are logical values or expressions that result in logical values.

Best Practices

Ensure that the arguments of the OR formula are logical tests or references to cells containing logical values. Also, try to keep the number of conditions in the OR formula manageable.

List of Related Functions

  • AND: Returns TRUE if all conditions are true.
  • NOT: Reverses the logic of its argument.
  • IF: Performs a logical test and returns one value for a TRUE result and another for a FALSE result.

Frequently Used with the Formulas

  • IF: Often used with the OR formula to perform an action based on multiple conditions.
  • NOT: Used with the OR formula to reverse the logic of the condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How many conditions can I check with the OR formula?

You can check up to 255 conditions with the OR Formula in Excel.

Q. Can I use the OR formula with text?

Yes, the OR formula can be used with text conditions as well.

Q. What is the difference between the OR and AND formulas?

The OR formula returns TRUE if any of the conditions are met, while the AND formula returns TRUE if all conditions are met.

Q. Can I use the OR formula with the IF formula?

Yes, the OR formula can be combined with the IF formula to perform an action based on the result of multiple logical tests.

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