TEXT Formula returns a value converted to text with a specified format on the base of given parameters.
Syntax of TEXT formula:
TEXT( value, format )
- value: The value to convert to text.
- format : The format used to display the result.
Below are the useful format types:
Format Type | Details |
0 | Forces the display of a digit in its place |
# | Display digit if it adds to the accuracy of the number (but don't display if a leading zero or a zero at the end of a decimal) |
. | Defines the position that the decimal place takes |
d | Day of the month or day of week |
d = one or two digit representation (e.g. 1, 12) | |
dd = 2 digit representation (e.g. 01, 12) | |
ddd = abbreviated day of week (e.g. Mon, Tue) | |
dddd = full name of day of week (e.g. Monday, Tuesday) | |
m | Month (when used as part of a date) |
m = one or two digit representation (e.g. 1, 12) | |
mm = two digit representation (e.g. 01, 12) | |
mmm = abbreviated month name (e.g. Jan, Dec) | |
mmmm = full name of month (e.g. January, December) | |
y | Year |
yy = 2-digit representation of year(e.g. 99, 08) | |
yyyy = 4-digit representation of year(e.g. 1999, 2008) | |
h | Hour |
h = one or two digit representation (e.g. 1, 20) | |
h = two digit representation (e.g. 01, 20) | |
m | Minute (when used as a part of a time) |
m = one or two digit representation (e.g. 1, 55) | |
m = two digit representation (e.g. 01, 55) | |
s | Second |
s = one or two digit representation (e.g. 1, 45) | |
ss = two digit representation (e.g. 01, 45) | |
AM/PM | Indicates that a time should be represented using a 12-hour clock, followed by "AM" or "PM" |
The TEXT function returns a string/text value.