YEAR Formula


The YEAR formula in Excel is an effective tool used to extract the year from a given date. It’s a part of a group of Date and Time functions that allow you to work with dates and times in your Excel data analysis.


The key purpose of the YEAR Formula in Excel is to obtain the year from a specific date. This comes in handy when you are dealing with data involving dates and you need to carry out analyses based on the year.


The syntax of the YEAR formula is quite straightforward:



The YEAR formula contains one single parameter:

  • serial_number: This is a mandatory parameter that represents the date from which you want to extract the year.


The YEAR formula returns a numeric value representing the year of a given date.

Usage Notes

Remember, the YEAR Formula in Excel only extracts the year from a given date. It does not modify or change the original date in any way.


The YEAR formula is available across all versions of Excel. Its simplicity and usefulness make it one of the most common Excel formulas in use.

Example #1

Suppose you want to extract the year from the date “2023-06-01” in cell A1:


This formula will return 2023, which is the year part of the given date.

Example #2

If your date also contains time like “2023-06-01 08:00:00” in cell A1:


Excel will ignore the time part and return 2023, which is the year of the given date.

Example #3

If your date input is not valid like “Hello” in cell A1:


Excel will return a #VALUE! error, signaling the input is not a valid date.

Example #4

If you want to concatenate the year result with a string, you can do this:

="The year is " & YEAR(A1)

Suppose A1 contains the date “2023-06-01”. This formula will return “The year is 2023”.

Tips and Tricks

Remember, Excel stores dates as serial numbers, so the YEAR formula works best with valid dates. The formula considers years from 1900 to 9999 as valid.


The YEAR formula can’t extract the year from a text string that looks like a date. The input must be a valid date.

Common Errors and Solutions

The most common error is the #VALUE! error, which arises when the input is not a valid date. Always ensure that your input is a date that Excel can recognize.

Best Practices

Before using the YEAR formula, verify that your date data is indeed stored as dates, not as text. This will help you avoid errors and ensure accurate results.

List of Related Functions

  • MONTH: Extracts the month from a given date.
  • DAY: Extracts the day from a given date.
  • DATE: Creates a date from separate year, month, and day values.
  • TODAY: Returns the current date.
  • NOW: Returns the current date and time.

Frequently Used with the Formulas

The YEAR Formula in Excel is commonly used with other date-related formulas like MONTH, DAY, DATE, TODAY, and NOW.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I use the YEAR formula to calculate a person’s age?

Yes, you can subtract the birth year (extracted using the YEAR formula) from the current year (extracted from TODAY’s date using the YEAR formula).

Q. What happens if I use a future date with the YEAR formula?

The YEAR formula will simply return the year of the future date.

Q. Can I use a negative date with the YEAR formula?

Excel doesn’t recognize negative dates. It will return a #NUM! error.

Q. How does the YEAR formula handle leap years?

The YEAR formula only extracts the year from a date. It does not take into account whether the year is a leap year.

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