In this article, you will learn how to create a PDF to Excel converter using Excel VBA. We have created a Setting worksheet wherein we are taking 2 folders inputs on range E11 and E12 respectively.
PDF to Excel Converter in Excel VBA
You need to enter the below information:
- PDF Files Folder: Wherein all the PDF files are available
- Excel File Folder: Wherein Excel files will be saved after conversion.

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Add the Microsoft Scripting Runtime Reference in your VBA project then paste below given code in your module.
Below is the code to convert PDF to excel.
Option Explicit Sub PDF_To_Excel() Dim setting_sh As Worksheet Set setting_sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Setting") Dim pdf_path As String Dim excel_path As String pdf_path = setting_sh.Range("E11").Value excel_path = setting_sh.Range("E12").Value Dim fso As New FileSystemObject Dim fo As Folder Dim f As File Set fo = fso.GetFolder(pdf_path) Dim wa As Object Dim doc As Object Dim wr As Object Set wa = CreateObject("word.application") 'Dim wa As New Word.Application wa.Visible = True 'Dim doc As Word.Document Dim nwb As Workbook Dim nsh As Worksheet 'Dim wr As Word.Range For Each f In fo.Files Set doc = wa.documents.Open(f.Path, False, Format:="PDF Files") Set wr = doc.Paragraphs(1).Range wr.WholeStory Set nwb = Workbooks.Add Set nsh = nwb.Sheets(1) wr.Copy nsh.Paste nwb.SaveAs (excel_path & "\" & Replace(f.Name, ".pdf", ".xlsx")) doc.Close False nwb.Close False Next wa.Quit MsgBox "Done" End Sub
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