In this article, we have create a Project Management Issue Tracker Form in Excel. Using this Issue Tracker form you can manage your project issues. It will be helpful in Project Management .
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We have given 2 tabs in this form – Data Input and Report
Data Input:
In the Data Input tab, you can enter a new issue, update an existing issue, delete the issues or Export to excel etc.
Add New Issue:
To add the new issue just fill the information and click on Submit button.
Update an Existing Issue:
To update the issue, double click on a record in list box, relative information will be filled in the form, update the information and click on submit button.
Delete the Issue(s):
To delete the single or multiple issues, select the record in the list box and click on delete button. Selected issues will be deleted.
Filter By:
To see the filtered data in the list box, you can use filter by feature, just select a record in the filter by combo box then put the search text in the text box and click on Refresh button.
Sort By:
You can change the sorting of list box data by any selected column. Just select a field in Sort by combo box and click on Ascending or Descending button.
Export to Excel:
You can export the list box data in to new excel workbook, using Export to Excel button.

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Using this tab, you can see the Total Issues charts between given dates. You can select the start date and end date using calendar and click on Refresh button. On this page we have displayed-
- Total Issues
- Total Issues by Project Impact Chart
- Total Issues by Priority Chart
- Total Issues by Issue Owner Chart
- Total Issues by Department Chart
- Total Issues by Status Chart

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