In this article, we have created a user defined function RandBetweenText Formula in Excel. This function returns random text from the selected range. You can use this function to distribute the text randomly or to create the dummy data set.
Here we have create a dummy data using RandBetweenText Formula –

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Below is the VBA code for this UDF-
Option Explicit Function RandBetweenText(Input_Value As Range) As String Application.Volatile Dim rng As Range Dim Random_Values As String For Each rng In Input_Value If Random_Values = "" Then Random_Values = rng.Value Else Random_Values = Random_Values & "," & rng.Value End If Next Dim arr As Variant arr = Split(Random_Values, ",") Dim n As Integer n = UBound(arr) RandBetweenText = arr(Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(0, n)) End Function
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