In this article you will learn how to create a User Defined Function to evaluate a formula in Excel. You will also learn how to get text of formula using a User Defined Function and FORMULATEXT (Excel 2013 and above). UDF for Evaluate
UDF for Evaluate:

Below is the code to create the User Defined Function to evaluate a formula in Excel
Function Evaluate_Formula(formula_text As String) As Variant Application.Volatile Evaluate_Formula = Application.Evaluate(VBA.Trim(formula_text)) End Function
Text of Formula:
If you are using Excel 2013 and above version, then you can use “=FORMULATEXT” in Excel. For Excel 2010 and below version I have created a User Defined Function.
Below is the code-
Function Text_Of_Formula(rng As Range) As String Application.Volatile Text_Of_Formula = rng.Formula End Function
You can copy this code in Personal Macro so that it will be available for each workbook.
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