Many times, we require to segregate our data into different worksheets. Here we have created a VBA User form which can segregate your data into worksheets. One user from will be displayed wherein you can select the field name by which you want to segregate your data.
VBA User form for Segregate data into multiple worksheets
Below is the data which we will segregate into multiple worksheets-

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We have added an icon on home tab to run this macro-

Below given user form will be displayed after clicking on this icon

Click to buy VBA User form for Segregate data into multiple worksheets
- Select any field and click on run.
- Data will be segregated into different worksheet-

Click to buy VBA User form for Segregate data into multiple worksheets
Below is code of this user form-
Option Explicit Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Application.DisplayAlerts = False Dim nwb As Workbook Dim nsh As Worksheet Dim dsh As Worksheet Dim support As Worksheet Set dsh = ActiveSheet Dim col_number As Integer Dim i As Integer col_number = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Me.ComboBox1.Value, dsh.Range("1:1"), 0) Set nwb = Workbooks.Add Set support = nwb.Sheets(1) dsh.AutoFilterMode = False dsh.Cells(1, col_number).EntireColumn.Copy support.Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats support.UsedRange.RemoveDuplicates 1, xlYes For i = 2 To Application.CountA(support.Range("A:A")) Set nsh = nwb.Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)) dsh.UsedRange.AutoFilter col_number, VBA.IIf(support.Range("A" & i).NumberFormat = "General", support.Range("A" & i).Value, VBA.Format(support.Range("A" & i).Value, support.Range("A" & i).NumberFormat)) dsh.UsedRange.Copy nsh.Range("A1") On Error Resume Next nsh.Name = VBA.IIf(support.Range("A" & i).NumberFormat = "General", support.Range("A" & i).Value, VBA.Format(support.Range("A" & i).Value, support.Range("A" & i).NumberFormat)) On Error GoTo 0 nsh.UsedRange.EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 25 dsh.AutoFilterMode = False ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False Next i support.Delete MsgBox "Process Completed" End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ActiveSheet.Range("1:1")) > 0 Then Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ActiveSheet.Range("1:1")) If ActiveSheet.Cells(1, i).Value <> "" Then Me.ComboBox1.AddItem ActiveSheet.Cells(1, i).Value End If Next i End If End Sub
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