In this chapter you will learn how to use Excel formula, Worksheet function and VBA Function by using the VBA.
Excel Formula
We can use excel formula same as we use in excel worksheet. For example, in the below given image we want get the Employee name in column B by using VLOOKUP from column F:G

We can use Formula or Value property to put the Excel formula.
Sub Excel_Formula() Dim sh As Worksheet Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") sh.Range("B2").Formula = "=VLOOKUP(A2,F:G,2,0)" Dim last_Row As Integer last_Row = sh.Range("A" & Application.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row sh.Range("B2:B" & last_Row).FillDown End Sub
After executing above code we get the employee name on column B

Worksheet Function
We can also get the Employee name in column B by using Application.WorksheetFunction.
Sub Worksheet_Function() Dim sh As Worksheet Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") Dim last_Row As Integer last_Row = sh.Range("A" & Application.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row Dim i As Integer For i = 2 To last_Row sh.Range("B" & i).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(sh.Range("A" & i).Value, sh.Range("F:G"), 2, 0) Next i End Sub
After executing above code we can see the employee name on column B.

VBA Function
There are many inbuilt function available in VBA. You can use VBA function same as we use worksheet function.
For example, we want get the left 2 character form “”
Sub VBA_Function() MsgBox Left("", 2) End Sub
Below is the list of few useful VBA functions
VBA Formula Description Example Return
Format Applies a format to given value and returns the result as a string. VBA.Format(0.65, "0%") 65%
InStr Returns the place of a substring within a string. VBA.InStr("", "Excel") 6
Left Returns a substring from the start of a given string. VBA.Left("", 2) PK
Len Returns the length of a given string. VBA.Len("") 20
LCase Converts a given string to lower case text. VBA.LCase("")
Mid Returns a substring from the middle of a given string. VBA.Mid("", 6, 5) Excel
Replace Replaces a substring within a given text string. VBA.Replace("", "AnExcel", "PPT")
Right Returns a substring from the end of a given string. VBA.Right("", 3) com
StrReverse Returns the character in Reverse order of given string VBA.StrReverse("") moc.trepxElecxEnA-KP
Trim Removes leading and trailing spaces from a given string. VBA.Trim(" PK ") PK
UCase Converts a given string to upper case text. VBA.UCase("") PK-ANEXCELEXPERT.COM
IsDate Check the given value is a date or not. VBA.IsDate(#1/1/2018#) True
IsNumeric Check the given value is a number or not. VBA.IsNumeric("PK") False
IsError Check the given value is an error or not. BA.IsError("PK") False
Next Chapter >>User Defined Functions