Word Cloud is also known as text cloud or tag cloud. Size of the words change according to the value or weightage or frequency of any word. Here we have created a macro to create the word cloud in Excel. In this macro file, we have 2 worksheets
Word Cloud in Excel Using VBA
Setting Worksheet – In this worksheet, you need to enter your data, like we have entered the Country wise population. We have given small setting section wherein you can enter the Minimum Font Size, Maximum Font Size, Separator, Multiple Font Color (Yes or No) and Multiple Font Name (Yes or No)

Word Cloud Worksheet – Once you will click on “Create Word Cloud” Button. It will create a word cloud on this worksheet.

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Below is the code to create a word cloud-
Option Explicit Sub Create_Word_Cloud() Dim Setting_Sh As Worksheet Set Setting_Sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Setting") Dim WCSh As Worksheet Set WCSh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Word Cloud") Dim Min_Font_Size As Integer Dim Max_Font_Size As Integer Min_Font_Size = Setting_Sh.Range("H6").Value Max_Font_Size = Setting_Sh.Range("H7").Value Dim Max_Value As Long Max_Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Setting_Sh.Range("B:B")) Dim i As Integer Dim start_ As Integer Dim length_ As Integer WCSh.Cells.Delete WCSh.Range("B2").Locked = False For i = 3 To Application.CountA(Setting_Sh.Range("A:A")) If i = 3 Then WCSh.Range("B2").Value = Setting_Sh.Range("A" & i).Value Else WCSh.Range("B2").Value = WCSh.Range("B2").Value & Setting_Sh.Range("H8").Value & Setting_Sh.Range("A" & i).Value End If Next i For i = 3 To Application.CountA(Setting_Sh.Range("A:A")) length_ = Len(Setting_Sh.Range("A" & i).Value) start_ = Application.WorksheetFunction.Search(Setting_Sh.Range("A" & i).Value, WCSh.Range("B2").Value) With WCSh.Range("B2").Characters(start_, length_).Font .ColorIndex = IIf(Setting_Sh.Range("H9").Value = "Yes", Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(3, 56), vbBlack) .Bold = True .Size = Min_Font_Size + Setting_Sh.Range("B" & i).Value * ((Max_Font_Size - Min_Font_Size) / Max_Value) If Setting_Sh.Range("H10").Value = "Yes" Then .Name = Setting_Sh.Range("P" & Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(2, Application.CountA(Setting_Sh.Range("P:P")))) End If End With Next i With WCSh.Range("B2") .EntireRow.AutoFit .WrapText = True .EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 130 .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .Borders.LineStyle = xlDouble End With WCSh.Activate WCSh.Range("A1").Select ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False End Sub
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